クリスティン・ヤノ先生講演会 “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Disciplinary Listening Regimes amid Vulgar Sounds” のお知らせ

プロジェクト5 2017年度 “Critiquing Diversity” 講演会シリーズ クリスティン・ヤノ先生講演会 “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Disciplinary Listening Regimes amid Vulgar Sounds” のお知らせ

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2017年10月5日(木)18:00 - 19:30

プロジェクト5「多文化共生と想像力」では、10月5日に2017年度“Critiquing Diversity”講演会シリーズの第2回といたしまして、ハワイ大学マノア校文化人類学教授のクリスティン・ヤノ先生をお招きし、講演会を開催いたします。ヤノ先生は日本や日系アメリカ人の大衆文化を研究対象とされ、これまでも日系アメリカ人のスチュワーデスやハローキティといった大変興味深いテーマを扱われてきました。今回は戦後まで全米で行われていた公立学校の人種分離政策であるEnglish Standard School Systemのもとで子供たちに課された口頭試験について注目され、ハワイでの聴覚テストの事例研究をもとに、当時のアメリカ社会における多文化共生のあり方について問い直されます。詳細は講演要旨を御覧ください。皆様の積極的な参加をお待ちしています。


From 1924 to 1960, the U.S. territory and later state of Hawaii instituted a unique practice of segregation in its public schools, called the English Standard School System. By this system, children would be tested for their English language facility: those that passed the verbal test would be placed in select classes or schools; those that did not would be placed in regular educational settings. Initially proposed to the territorial government by white mothers who were concerned that their children enrolled in public schools not mingle unduly with non-whites, the system used language and its policing as a means of race-based segregation.

This talk takes this case study from language as an example of “listening regimes” ── that is, states of order built around disciplinary practices of aurality. Such states of order advance a confluence of morality and aesthetics such that “being good” and “sounding good” overlap. More importantly, disciplinary listening regimes hierarchize sounds as the good, the bad, and the ugly, particularly targeting what might be called “vulgar sounds.” Through archival documents and interviews with former students, I examine ways by which listening for language use acted as a social and political gauge of assimilationist achievement in Hawai`i.


Christine Yano, PhD ハワイ大学マノア校教授(文化人類学)


  • Tears of Longing: Nostalgia and the Nation in Japanese Popular Song (Harvard, 2002)
  • Crowning the Nice Girl; Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture in Hawaii’s Cherry Blossom Festival (Hawaii, 2006)
  • Airborne Dreams: “Nisei” Stewardesses and Pan American World Airways (Duke, 2011)
  • Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty and its Trek Across the Pacific (Duke, 2013)
  • Straight A’s: Asian American Academic Achievement (Duke, forthcoming)


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