Workshop: Perspectives and Discourses on Sexual Harassment in International Higher Education Contexts

Workshop: Perspectives and Discourses on Sexual Harassment in International Higher Education Contexts

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16:00 - 18:00, March 27 (Tuesday), 2018
Laboratory room, 6F, III Main Building, Hongo Campus (map)
Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee (Freie Universität Berlin)
Admission Free; No Registration Required
Prof. Kaori Hayashi's Lab., The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies. The Educational Project 4 & 5, Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity, The University of Tokyo

Project 4 & 5 are pleased to invite Prof. Eun-Jeung Lee from Freie Universität Berlin to give a talk on the University’s project “Survey on the Awareness of Sexual Violence at University.” The educational project 4 & 5 of the IHS Program held a joint seminar program between UTokyo and Freie Universität Berlin in early March of 2018. Participants of this seminar program have conducted research on the efforts and challenges on gender equality issues in universities. In this workshop, firstly IHS students of Berlin seminar will make a presentation about their investigation and research and secondly, Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee will give a talk about the research project “Survey on the Awareness of Sexual Violence at University.”

The presentations will be in English.


The aim of this talk is to introduce an international collaborative research project on gendered violence on campus to be established at Freie Universität Berlin. With this project, we intend to explore the prevalence, specific manifestations, and effects of sexual harassment in higher education contexts. In doing so, we shall adopt the perspective of students enrolled at selected universities in Latin America, Europe, and East Asia, in the process also inquiring into structural conditions such as the kind of circumstances facilitating or inhibiting sexual harassment on campus. Sexual harassment constitutes a human rights violation. As such, addressing it must be placed on the agenda of all publicly funded institutions. To effectively address sexual harassment at university, more needs to be known of its prevalence, manifestations, and effects as well the circumstances facilitating or inhibiting its occurrence. Given that sexual harassment is a global phenomenon that universities, and, in fact, entire societies, in numerous countries are struggling to address, adopting an international perspective will not only prove highly useful in developing a deeper understanding of the issue, but also promises to provide insight into how to achieve lasting change.

* N.B.

  • IHS students will be asked to submit a report essay after attending the lecture.
  • In participating in this event, you acknowledge that the pictures, video, and audio recorded at the event may be used for the purpose of the program.