Opening of the IHS Science Laboratory (Smart Imaging)

Opening of the IHS Science Laboratory (Smart Imaging)

The Science Laboratory Practice space is now available, and was prepared by the Educational Project 3 "Science, Technology, and Inclusive Society," Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity, The University of Tokyo. It contains several types of microscopes: binocular, fluorescence, laser confocal, as well as equipment and ingredients to perform DNA analysis and basic experimental biology. Seminar in Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity VI, held in the winter term 2014, will comprise in part of a Science Lab designed to deepen understanding of the problems related to long life expectancy, such as the genotyping of the Alzheimer's risk marker, and the observation of a mysterious long-lived life form, the tardigrade. Additionally, a Science Lab will be held as part of the Fieldwork in Integrated Human Sciences for Cultural Diversity I in the winter term 2014, and will enable students to experience all sorts of microscopes, to observe the shape and movement of cells and cellular organelles. The Science Labs were designed with non-science majors in mind.
